Fluconazole - What is Fluconazole?, Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, Precautions, Interactions, Overdose, Missed Dose, Storage, Fluconazole 150mg, 200mg


What is Fluconazole ? 

Diflucan (fluconazole) is an enemy of parasitic drug identified with clotrimazole (Lotrimin), ketoconazole (Nizoral), itraconazole (Sporanox), and miconazole (Micatin, Monistat). Fluconazole averts development of organisms by anticipating generation of the films that encompass parasitic cells. 

Esophageal candidiasis (disease of the throat), oropharyngeal candidiasis (contamination of part of the throat), and vaginal candidiasis (contamination of the vagina) are for the most part instances of mucocutaneouscandidiasis (additionally called mucosal candidiasis). Cryptococcal meningitis is a contamination and aggravation of the tissues covering the cerebrum and spinal string. Mucocutaneous candidiasis and cryptococcal meningitis are shrewd contaminations (OIs) of HIV. An OI is a contamination that happens all the more much of the time or is progressively extreme in individuals with debilitated safe frameworks, for example, individuals with HIV—than in individuals with sound resistant frameworks. 
Fluconazole Tablet
Fluconazole Tablet


Fluconazole is utilized to avert and treat an assortment of contagious and yeast contaminations. It has a place with a class of medications called azole antifungals. It works by halting the development of particular kinds of growth. 

How to use Fluconazole 

Peruse the Patient Information Leaflet if accessible from your drug specialist before you begin taking fluconazole and each time you get a refill. 

Take this prescription by mouth with or without sustenance as coordinated by your specialist, more often than not once every day. 

In the event that you are taking the fluid suspension type of this drug, shake the jug a long time before each portion. Cautiously measure the portion utilizing a unique estimating gadget/spoon. Try not to utilize a family unit spoon since you may not get the right portion. 

For kids, measurements is additionally founded on weight. For the most part in kids, the portion ought not surpass 600 milligrams every day except if coordinated by the specialist. 

Keep on taking this drug until the full endorsed sum is done, regardless of whether indications vanish following a couple of days. Halting the medicine too soon may enable the parasite to keep on developing, which may result in an arrival of the disease. 

Side Effects

Sickness, regurgitating, looseness of the bowels, stomach upset/torment, cerebral pain, dazedness, or male pattern baldness may happen. On the off chance that any of these impacts continue or exacerbate, tell your specialist or drug specialist quickly. 

Keep in mind that your specialist has recommended this medicine since the individual in question has made a decision about that the advantage to you is more noteworthy than the danger of symptoms. Numerous individuals utilizing this drug donot have genuine reactions. 

Get medicinal assistance immediately if any of these uncommon however seriousfast/sporadic heartbeat, extreme dazedness, blacking out. 

This medication may once in a while cause genuine liver ailment. Get therapeutic assistance immediately in the event that you build up any indications of liver infection, including: serious stomach/stomach torment, constant sickness/retching, yellowing eyes/skin, dull pee, irregular tiredness. 

An intense hypersensitive response to this medication is uncommon. Notwithstanding, get medicinal assistance immediately on the off chance that you see any side effects of a genuine hypersensitive response, including: rash, tingling/swelling, extreme dazedness, inconvenience relaxing. 

Regular reactions of fluconazole incorporate 


nausea, and 

abdominal torment. 

Other significant symptoms incorporate 




reduced blood dimensions of potassium, 

rash, and 

taste unsettling influence. 

Conceivable genuine symptoms incorporate 


reduced number of white platelets, 

reduced number of blood platelets, and 

toxic epidermal necrolysis. 

Once in a while, genuine unfavorably susceptible responses, including angioedema (swelling of tissues), may likewise happen. Liverdysfunction and irregular heart thumps have been related with fluconazole. Stevens-Johnson disorder has additionally been accounted for. 


Before taking fluconazole, tell your specialist or drug specialist on the off chance that you are sensitive to it; or to other azole antifungal medications, (for example, ketoconazole, itraconazole); or in the event that you have some other hypersensitivities. This item may contain dormant fixings, which can cause hypersensitive responses or different issues. Converse with your drug specialist for more subtleties. 

Prior to utilizing this medicine, tell your specialist or drug specialist your therapeutic history, particularly of: liver malady, kidney illness. 

Fluconazole may cause a condition that influences the heart beat (QT prolongation). QT prolongation can once in a while cause genuine (infrequently lethal) quick/sporadic heartbeat and different side effects, (for example, extreme unsteadiness, blacking out) that need therapeutic consideration immediately. 

The danger of QT prolongation might be expanded on the off chance that you have certain ailments or are taking different medications that may cause QT prolongation. Before utilizing fluconazole, tell your specialist or drug specialist of the considerable number of medications you take and in the event that you have any of the accompanying conditions: certain heart issues family ancestry of certain heart issues (QT prolongation in the EKG, unexpected cardiovascular demise). 

Low dimensions of potassium or magnesium in the blood may likewise build your danger of QT prolongation. This hazard may increment on the off chance that you utilize certain medications, 
Albeit exceptional, this medication may make you dazed. Liquor or weed can make you progressively bleary eyed. Try not to drive, use apparatus, or do whatever needs sharpness until you can do it securely. Breaking point mixed refreshments. Converse with your specialist in the event that you are utilizing cannabis. 

Before having medical procedure, inform your specialist or dental specialist concerning every one of the items you use 

More established grown-ups might be progressively delicate to the symptoms of this medication, particularly imprudent, regurgitating, looseness of the bowels, and QT prolongation (see above). 

Amid pregnancy, this medicine ought to be utilized just when plainly required. It might hurt an unborn infant whenever taken in high dosages day by day amid the initial 3 months of pregnancy. For the treatment of vaginal yeast contaminations, prescriptions connected in or around the vagina ought to be considered before this drug. 


Medication connections may change how your prescriptions work or increment your hazard for genuine symptoms. This archive does not contain all conceivable medication communications. Keep a rundown of the considerable number of items you use (counting medicine/nonprescription medications and home grown items) and offer it with your specialist and drug specialist. Try not to begin, stop, or change the measurement of any drugs without your specialist's endorsement. 

Items that may connect with this medication include: clopidogrel. 

Numerous medications other than fluconazole may influence the heart cadence (QT prolongation), including pimozide, quinidine, macrolide anti-infection agents, (for example, erythromycin), among others. 

Fluconazole can hinder the expulsion of different drugs from your body, which can influence how they work. Instances of influenced drugs incorporate asunaprevir, cisapride, among others. 


His prescription has been endorsed for your present condition as it were. 

Research center and additionally medicinal tests, (for example, liver capacity tests) ought to be performed intermittently to screen your advancement or check for symptoms. Counsel your specialist for more subtleties. 

Missed Dose 

On the off chance that you miss a portion, accept it when you recollect. On the off chance that it is close to the season of the following portion, skip themissed portion and resume your standard dosing plan. Try not to twofold the portion to get up to speed. 


Store the tablets at room temperature far from light and dampness. Try not to store in the washroom. 

Store the fluid suspension at room temperature or in the cooler. Try not to solidify. Dispose of any unused prescription following 14 days. 

Ward off all drugs from kids and pets. 

Try not to flush drugs down the latrine or empty them into a channel except if trained to do as such. 


Grown-up and Pediatric Dosage Forms and Strengths 

Infused arrangement 

2 mg/mL 

Oral suspension 

10 mg/mL 

40 mg/mL 


50 mg 

100 mg 

150 mg 

200 mg 

Measurements Considerations – Should be Given as Follows: 

Oropharyngeal Candidiasis 

Grown-up: 200 mg orally on Day 1, THEN 100 mg once/day 

Dosing contemplations 

Treatment ought to be managed for in any event 2 weeks to diminish probability of backslide 

Esophageal Candidiasis 

Grown-up: 200 mg orally on Day 1, THEN 100 mg once/day; portions up to 400 mg/day might be utilized dependent on patient's reaction  

Dosages up to 12 mg/kg/day might be utilized, in view of patient's reaction 

Dosing contemplations 

Treat for at least 3 weeks and for at any rate 2 weeks following goals of side effects 

Cryptococcal Meningitis 


Dosage of up to 400 mg once/day might be utilized dependent on patient's reaction 

Suppression of backslide in patients with AIDS: 200 mg orally once/day 


12 mg/kg orally/intravenously (IV) on Day 1, THEN 6 mg/kg once/day 

Dose of 12 mg/kg once day by day might be utilized, in view of patient's reaction 

Suppression in youngsters with AIDS: 6 mg/kg once day by day 

Dosing contemplations 

Recommended term of treatment is 10-12 weeks after cerebrospinal liquid winds up culture negative 

Prophylaxis of Candidiasis with BMT 

Counteractive action of candidiasis rate in patients experiencing bone marrow transplant 

400 mg orally once/day 

Dosing contemplations 

Patients who are foreseen to have serious granulocytopenia should begin prophylaxis a few days before foreseen beginning of neutropenia and proceed for 7 days after neutrophil tally rises more noteworthy than 1000 cells for each mm³ 

Vaginal Candidiasis 

Uncomplicated: 150 mg orally as a solitary portion 

Confounded: 150 mg orally at regular intervals for 3 dosages 

Repetitive: 150 mg orally once/day for 10-14 days pursued by 150 mg once week by week for a half year 

Candida UTI/Peritonitis 

50-200 mg orally once/day 

Fundamental Candida Infections, Pediatric 

6-12 mg/kg/day orally/intravenously (IV); not to surpass 600 mg/day 

Untimely Neonates 

26-29 weeks' incubation: 6-12 mg/kg intravenously (IV)/orally 

Upkeep: 3-6 mg/kg IV/orally once/day 

Upkeep portion interim 

26-29 weeks' incubation: at regular intervals; control at regular intervals following 2 weeks of life 

Dose Modifications 

Hepatic debilitation: Not considered 

Renal debilitation 

Percent of suggested portion: 

-CrCl more noteworthy than 50 mL/min: 100% of portion 

-CrCl up to 50 mL/min: half portion 

-Regular dialysis: 100% portion after every dialysis; on non-dialysis days, diminish portion as indicated by creatinine freedom 

Fluconazole 150 mg 

Seventy grown-up out-patients with tinea pedis took part in a multicentre open non-near investigation of the security and adequacy of once-week by week portions of oral fluconazole 150 mg. A mean of 3 dosages of fluconazole was regulated; patients contaminated with Candida required a normal of 2 portions contrasted with 3-4 portions in patients tainted with different living beings. Clinical fix was acquired in 45 of 61 (74%) evaluable patients at the last post-treatment assessment, with 15 patients being generously improved and one patient flopping clinically. At long haul development, 28-30 days after the last portion was controlled, 46 of 60 (77%) patients were clinically restored, 13 (22%) patients were improved and one patient fizzled. Trichophyton rubrum was detached most as often as possible (47 of 60 mycologically evaluable patients). Mycological proof of contamination was annihilated from 52 of 60 (87%) patients post-treatment. At the long haul development, contamination was annihilated from 46 of 59 (78%) patients, continued in five (8%) patients and backslid in eight (14%) patients, six of whom were tainted with T. rubrum and two of whom were contaminated with both T. rubrum and Candida.  
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