Erythromycin - Uses, Precautions, Dosage, What is erythromycin?, Interaction, Side Effects, Overdose, Erythromycin 500 mg, Erythromycin 250 mg


What is erythromycin ?

Erythromycin is an anti-microbial in the class of anti-toxins known as macrolide anti-microbials which additionally incorporates azithromycin (Zithromax, Zmax) and clarithromycin (Biaxin). 

Erythromycin, similar to all macrolide anti-toxins, keeps bacterial cells from developing and increasing by meddling with their capacity to make proteins while not influencing human cells. Microorganisms, for example, Haemophilus influenzae are impervious to erythromycin alone and must be treated with a blend of erythromycin and satisfactory portions of sulfonamides. 
Erythromycin Tablet
Erythromycin Tablet


Erythromycin comes as a case, tablet, deferred discharge (discharges the drug in the digestive tract to avoid separate of the medicine by stomach acids) container, postponed discharge tablet, and a suspension (fluid), to take by mouth. It more often than not is taken with or without nourishment at regular intervals (four times each day), like clockwork (three times each day), or at regular intervals (two times every day). Pursue the headings on your remedy name cautiously, and ask your specialist or drug specialist to clarify any part you don't get it. Take erythromycin precisely as coordinated.

Shake the suspension a long time before each utilization to blend the drug uniformly. 

On the off chance that you are taking the suspension, don't utilize a family unit spoon to quantify your portion. Utilize the estimating spoon, dropper, or container that accompanied the drug or utilize a spoon made particularly for estimating prescription. 

The containers and tablets ought to be gulped down and taken with a full glass of water. 

Keep on taking erythromycin regardless of whether you feel well. Try not to quit taking erythromycin without conversing with your specialist. 

Different utilizations for this prescription 

Erythromycin is additionally utilized in some cases used to counteract heart disease in individuals having dental or different techniques. Converse with your specialist about the potential dangers of utilizing this prescription for your condition. 


• tell your specialist and drug specialist in the event that you are susceptible to erythromycin, some other medications, or any of the fixings in erythromycin cases, tablets, or suspension. Ask your drug specialist or check the maker's patient data for a rundown of the fixings. 

• tell your specialist on the off chance that you are taking astemizole (Hismanal) (not accessible in the U.S.), cisapride (Propulsid) (not accessible in the U.S.), dihydroergotamine (DHE 45, Migranal), ergotamine (Ergomar, in Cafergot, in Migergot), pimozide (Orap), or terfenadine (Seldane) (not accessible in the U.S.). Your specialist will presumably let you know not to take erythromycin in the event that you are taking at least one of these drugs. 

• tell your specialist and drug specialist what medicine and nonprescription meds, dietary enhancements, and home grown items you are taking or plan to take. Make sure to make reference to any of the accompanying: alprazolam (Xanax), amlodipine (Norvasc, in Caduet, in Lotrel), anticoagulants ('blood thinners, for example, warfarin (Coumadin), bromocriptine (Cycloset), carbamazepine (Carbatrol, Epitol, Equetro, Tegretol), cilostazol (Pletal), colchicine (Colcrys, Mitigare), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), digoxin (Lanoxin), diltiazem (Cardizem, Cartia, Diltzac, Tiazac), disopyramide (Norpace), dofetilide (Tikosyn), lovastatin (Altoprev), midazolam, phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek), procainamide (Procanbid), quinidine, sildenafil (Revatio, Viagra), simvastatin (Zocor, in Vytorin), sotalol (Betapace), valproic corrosive (Depakene, Depakote), verapamil (Calan, Covera, in Tarka, Verelan). theophylline (Elixophyllin, Theochron, Theo-Dur), and triazolam (Halcion). Numerous different drugs may likewise cooperate with erythromycin, so educate your specialist concerning every one of the prescriptions you are taking, even those that don't show up on this rundown. Your specialist may need to change the dosages of your meds or screen you cautiously for symptoms. 

• tell your specialist on the off chance that you have or have ever had drawn out QT interim (an uncommon heart issue that may cause blacking out or sporadic heartbeat), an unpredictable heartbeat, low dimensions of magnesium or potassium in your blood, or liver infection . 

• tell your specialist in the event that you are pregnant, plan to wind up pregnant, or are breastfeeding. On the off chance that you become pregnant while taking erythromycin, call your specialist. 

• if you are having medical procedure, including dental medical procedure, tell the specialist or dental specialist that you are taking erythromycin. 

Erythromycin is discharged chiefly in the liver, so alert ought to be practiced in directing the anti-toxin to patients with weakened hepatic capacity or correspondingly accepting conceivably hepatotoxic specialists. 

Hepatic brokenness including expanded liver catalysts and/or cholestatic hepatitis, with or without jaundice, has been rarely announced with erythromycin. 

There have been reports proposing erythromycin does not achieve the baby in sufficient focuses to anticipate intrinsic syphilis. Babies destined to ladies treated amid pregnancy with oral erythromycin for early syphilis ought to be treated with a fitting penicillin routine. 

There have been reports that erythromycin may irritate the shortcoming of patients with myasthenia gravis. 

Erythromycin meddles with the fluorometric assurance of urinary catecholamines. 

Similarly as with other wide range anti-infection agents, pseudomembranous colitis has been accounted for once in a while with erythromycin. 

Rhabdomyolysis with or without renal hindrance has been accounted for in truly sick patients accepting erythromycin correspondingly with lovastatin.


Attendant utilization of Erythromycin with terfenadine or astemizole is probably going to result in an upgraded danger of cardiotoxicity with these medications. The associative utilization of Erythromycin with either astemizole or terfenadine is in this manner contraindicated. 

The digestion of terfenadine and astemizole is fundamentally adjusted when either are taken correspondingly with erythromycin. Uncommon instances of genuine cardiovascular occasions have been watched, including torsades de pointes, other ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure. Demise has been accounted for with the terfenadine/erythromycin blend. 

Raised cisapride levels have been accounted for in patients getting erythromycin and cisapride associatively. This may result in QT prolongation and heart arrhythmias including ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and Torsades de pointes. 

Comparative impacts have been seen with attending organization of pimozide and clarithromycin, another macrolide anti-microbial. 

Simultaneous utilization of erythromycin and ergotamine or dihydroergotamine has been related in certain patients with intense ergot lethality portrayed by the quick improvement of extreme fringe vasospasm and dysaesthesia.  

Erythromycin has been accounted for to diminish the leeway of zopiclone and in this manner may expand the pharmacodynamic impacts of this medication. 

At the point when oral erythromycin is given simultaneously with theophylline, there is additionally a noteworthy reduction in erythromycin serum fixations. The decline could result in subtherapeutic groupings of erythromycin. 

Side Effects 

The most regular symptoms of erythromycin are: 

• nausea, 

• vomiting, 

• loss of hunger, 

• diarrhea, and 

• abdominal torment. 

These gastrointestinal symptoms are normally portion related, i.e., increasingly articulated with higher dosages. 

Hypersensitive responses, for example, 

• hives, 

• rash, or 

• anaphylaxis (an extreme hypersensitive response which can prompt stun and passing) have been accounted for once in a while. 

Infrequent reactions, for example, sickness, stomach inconvenience, regurgitating and looseness of the bowels might be experienced. Reversible hearing misfortune related with dosages of erythromycin typically more prominent than 4g every day has been accounted for. 

Similarly as with other wide range anti-infection agents, pseudomembranous colitis has been accounted for once in a while with erythromycin. 

Unfavorably susceptible responses are uncommon and gentle, in spite of the fact that hypersensitivity has happened. Skin responses running from mellow emissions to erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and poisonous epidermal necrolysis have once in a while been accounted for. 

There are no reports ensnaring erythromycin items with unusual tooth improvement, and just uncommon reports of harm to the blood, kidneys or focal sensory system. 

Cardiovascular arrhythmias have been in all respects infrequently announced in patients accepting erythromycin treatment. There have been segregated reports of chest torment, unsteadiness and palpitations, be that as it may, a circumstances and logical results relationship has not been built up. 

Indications of hepatitis, hepatic brokenness as well as unusual liver capacity test results may happen. 

The uncommon plausibility of super disease brought about by excess of non-powerless microbes or growths ought to be considered amid drawn out or rehashed treatment, particularly when other antibacterial specialists are all the while utilized. 


Indications are for the most part kept to hearing misfortune, extreme queasiness, regurgitating and looseness of the bowels. Treatment is gastric lavage and general steady measures. 


• The regular dose for grown-ups is 250 mg like clockwork, 333 mg at regular intervals or 500 mg like clockwork. Dosages might be expanded up to 4 g/day as indicated by the seriousness of the disease. 

• In kids, the standard dose is 30 to 50 mg/kg/day with age, weight, and seriousness of the disease being mulled over to decide the suitable measurement. 

• Erythromycin might be taken with or without nourishment; anyway ideal blood dimensions of erythromycin are acquired when taken on a vacant stomach (at any rate 30 minutes and ideally 2 hours prior or after suppers). 
Erythromycin Tablet

Erythromycin 500 mg Tablet 

Erythromycin (Alkem) 500 mg Tablet is a macrolide anti-infection which is utilized to treat diseases of the lungs, throat, ear, and so forth brought about by microscopic organisms. This prescription isn't suggested for use if there should be an occurrence of a typical cold, influenza, or other viral contaminations since it is dynamic against diseases brought about by microscopic organisms as it were. 

Erythromycin 250 mg Tablet 

Erythromycin 250 MG Tablet is a macrolide anti-infection which is utilized to treat diseases of the lungs, throat, ear, and so on brought about by microorganisms. This medication isn't prescribed for use in the event of a typical cold, influenza, or other viral diseases since it is dynamic against contaminations brought about by microorganisms as it were.
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